West Coast Update with Eric Broser - Silvio Samuel
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
Eric Broser has been in the industry for more than two decades. He is a former natural professional bodybuilder and today he is training some of the best.
"The Mecca of Bodybuilding" Gold's Gym, Venice, may be temporarily closed down, but the "Lift Must Go On!" IFBB Pro, Silvio Samuel, aka, "El Matador," and his coach, Eric "Merlin" Broser, grab an intense chest and shoulder workout at a private gym in beautiful Marina del Rey, California.
Silvio, who has won three pro shows and placed as high as 5th in the Arnold Classic and 7th at the Olympia is well-known for beating far larger competitors with his beautiful symmetry, outstanding lines, and conditioning that few have been able to achieve. After several years away from the sport, Silvio made a comeback in 2019 and for the first time ever, found himself at the bottom of the pack. Rather than letting that discourage him, Silvio reevaluated his approach and decided to join forces with a new coach - Eric Broser. The two have been working together for the last 10 weeks at Gold's Gym in preparation for the St. Louis pro.
However, those plans were squashed when the Coronavirus pandemic shut down all NPC/IFBB competitions until further notice. Silvio and Eric look at this as a just another obstacle to be fought through and overcome, remaining in "prep" and ready to strike when
the time comes.
Sil and I have known each other a few years. We met at Gold's. Always been a fan of his physique. He made a lackluster comeback to the stage in 2018 and 2019. He watched how I train other clients and became interested in my methods. After placing very low at the Cal Pro in 2019 I sat next to him in the audience and we talked. He was in tears because he was used to being a top guy and now barely got looked at. I told him that if he ever wanted my help to just ask. At the end of 2019 he came to me and asked me to take over his training and diet, even though he never let anyone handle both aspects before. I agreed and we started working together with the ultimate goal of getting him back to the Olympia stage.
I have mainly changed his training from a more ballistic and loose style to a more controlled technique using various methods via my specialized protocols - SPEC™, FTX2™, ESPX2™ and
PRRS™. I also made his diet much more strict and progressive, with a much closer watch over his macronutrients.
He is so far thriving on my program, holding more muscle than ever before while leaning out more and more each week.