Enjoy Your Grind - Beat Yourself Everyday
Why do I train like this? Because I love this shit! - Branch Warren
You've heard it time and time again, you have to enjoy the process. The every day is more enjoyable when you are more process driven vs goal driven. In a world of increasing instant gratification, it can be a constant tough "pill to swallow" that anything worth accomplishing and true success, especially in bodybuilding takes time.
Are you gonna be a flash in the pan or are you gonna be around for a while? This stuff takes time! - Ed Brown
Ed Brown has built up his strength and physique and KNOWLEDGE to empower others to do the same because of his ability to see the end goal and at the same time perfect the details it will take on a daily basis to get there.
To his credit, Ed has amassed a wide range of accomplished athletes including champion bodybuilders, powerlifters and weight loss success stories. It is only sustainable and actually enjoyed because of Ed's ability to instill the love of the process in his clients.
Here Ed takes us through a high intensity leg day with detailed descriptions on his warm ups, compound lifts of choice and how he finished off with occlusion training on the leg extension. Ed will once again go for his professional status at the NPC Universe in 3 weeks.