No89 Mesh Pant – Introducing New Sizes
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
More wide than tall?
**More wide than tall?
**Those who are familiar with GASP and the sizing of our pants, also knows that we have, what many would consider to be, some extra length on our pants. This is to be able to cater to the extreme size of many of our athletes who may be above average in height. However, for athletes who are more wide than tall, our pants could be a bit long and making tailored adjustments in length has many times been the only option for GASP athletes like Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren. They pull big sizes but don’t need the extra length that comes with the current models.
**The Introduction Of Another Size Set
**Now we have news for you who may find yourself to be more wide than tall. With the introduction of another size set that we call R “regular”. The additional 5 sizes (SR to XXLR) in this R length where each size more normal in length, we call the new size Regular (R).
Johnnie Jackson tries out the new “regular” size and says: “Finally I don’t need to bring my pants to the tailor any more. To be able to have a more suitable length for me is huge as I pull a bigger size but don’t need the length that it brings. And to not have to step on the pants with the risk of slipping is so nice.”
Johnnie also mention maybe one of the most important aspects, the feeling of self-esteem. To not be the tallest guy in the gym is one thing but to be reminded every time you put on a pair of too long pants is something we would like to avoid.
With the addition of the “Regular” length in one of our most popular GASP pants ever, The No 89 Mesh Pant, we now have the solution many of us have been waiting for. Expect the “Regular” length to be around 5 cm/2 inches shorter than the more universal size model we have today.