CommunityOtherWest Coast Update With Eric Broser - Eric Frapwell

West Coast Update With Eric Broser - Eric Frapwell

9 April 2021


Updated 20 November 2024

Eric Broser touch base with Bakersfield based competitor and trainer Eric Frapwell.

Eric Frapwell

By Eric Broser

Q. So give us a little background on you. How old are you? Where are you from? What do you do?

A. Sure, I am 29 years old from Bakersfield, California.  I am an online coach for fitness competitors and lifestyle clients.  I also do some in person training at the National Academy of Strength and Power, a local gym here in Bakersfield.

Q. When did you first start working out and what motivated you in the first place?

A. I started consistently working out in 2009, which was the summer going into my senior year of high school.  It’s hard to think back and pin point exactly what was my motivation, however.  I’m sure it partly had something to do with looking cool in order to impress girls - but I remember that a portion of my friends on the football team started putting on a good amount of size around that time as well. Obviously I did not want to get left behind!

Q. I know you are a well-respected personal trainer/coach in the Bakersfield, CA area. What do you enjoy most about your work? What are the main ideals you try to instill in your clients?

A. I appreciate that.  The most enjoyable part of coaching and training is helping people reach their goals. I want to see all of my clients improve and get better; whether that is physically, mentally, or emotionally.  With each of my clients I try to instill discipline, the ability to train with intensity, and most importantly, patience.  I want them to understand that building a fit, strong, muscular and healthy body takes time, dedication, and a solid work ethic.

Q. In terms of your work, what eventual aspirations do you have? Do you want to own a gym? How do you envision expanding your career?

A. Man, I would love to own a gym.  I'm a “gear head” when it comes to workout equipment, so I have (in my mind) all of these specific pieces of equipment that I’d like to have -  one’s that you rarely see in typical commercial gyms. When I figure out a way to profit from this kind of gym, then I will make it happen! For now, I will keep grinding and bettering myself as a coach. I want to work hard to build up my clientele and start working with more competitor as well.

Q. You have built a very symmetrical, muscular and proportionate physique. Are there any bodybuilders who serve as your inspiration?

A. Thank you Eric. Those are exactly the words I’d use to describe my “goal physique.”  There are a lot of bodybuilders who inspire me. Some that come to mind are  Dorian Yates, Flex
Lewis, Jay Cutler, and Jordan Peters. I’d say that these guys are at the top of my list - but not necessarily because of their physiques, per se, but more so for their work ethic, and what each has accomplished in the fitness/bodybuilding industry.

Q. Tell me a bit about your philosophy on training. Do you favor heavy weights and low reps? Or do you prefer medium to high rep ranges? Are you a high or low volume lifter? Is your form/technique very strict or do you like to utilize a “looser” style of performing your movements?

A. As you might assume from the list of bodybuilders I mentioned above, I subscribe and
firmly believe in, lower volume training, moderate frequency, along with high intensity. This usually means that my training split is always some variation of Push/Pull/Legs in order to
achieve the necessary frequency per muscle group. Strict form is a must in my training! While there are times I will allow for looser form, this would only occur on the last rep or two of a working set (when strict rep failure has been reached).

Q. I know you have competed once before. What show was it? What division did you enter? How did you do?

A. I competed at the 2019 NPC Muscle Contest Excalibur in Classic Physique division. I placed 9th out of nineteen competitors in Open Class B. I didn’t peak well for the show, but regardless, I had a great time. The experience of prepping myself for the show and being up on that stage was one that brought me a lot of joy. I felt very accomplished afterward even if I did not place as well as I had hoped. I had actually planned to compete at the Excalibur way
back in 2012 in the men's physique division, but never ended up going through with it. So coming back and finishing what I started really felt amazing.

Q. What did you like and dislike most about preparing for competition? Tell me more about the experience of being onstage?

A. When I decided to compete, I was very nervous about being on stage. I’m not normally
someone who wants to be in the spotlight, but surprisingly enough, I really enjoyed being on stage. What I liked best about prepping and competing was the strict schedule I had to adhere to in order to get everything done day to day. I really thrive on structure. As far as dislikes, may only complaint would be about how fatigued I felt once the show started getting close. You know, that level of lethargy that makes it hard just to get out of a chair!

Q. What is up next? Are you going to prepare for any shows in 2021? What do you feel are the main areas you need to improve upon?

A. Great question Eric. A lot will be determined by what's going on with the pandemic. However, I definitely would like to compete again at the NPC Excalibur this December. Other then nailing my peak and bringing up overall size, I need to build up back thickness,
hamstrings, and biceps. The other aspect of competing that I need to definitely improve upon is my posing and presentation. I would be lying if said I prioritized this very important aspect of competing during my last prep. I won’t make that mistake again.

Q. Where does Eric Frapwell see himself in 5 years in terms of the bodybuilding/fitness industry?

A. In 5 years I want to be even more established as a coach and trainer, with a far bigger following. A lot of my passion is in education, so I'd like to be able to travel and give seminars on nutrition, training, and supplementation. I still want to be training intensely, progressing and building my physique exactly the way I want. I could also very well still be competing. I love the sport, and getting on stage is a great outlet to showcase the hard work put I in at the gym.

Q. Well Eric, I really enjoyed talking with you and only wish you the very best for your future. Thank you for taking the time to chat. See you in the gym!

A. Been great talking with you Eric. I appreciate you reaching out to me and offering this opportunity to me. We will need to catch a workout soon!


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