Big Bench Program - Episode 2 First Workout
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
This is the second episode of our Big Bench Program with Josh Bryant and Jonathan Irizarry.
This is Jon Irizarry's first training session in this 12 week bench press program.
In this episode Josh Bryant helps cue Jonathan on:
Bench press form
Being explosive
Movement path of the bar
Perfecting technique with sub maximal weights
As the series progresses the weights will go up, volume with go up and Josh will make changes as Jonathan progress week to week.
Bench press with pause
Superset with sub maximal weight: Bench press with Seal row with dumbbells
Dead bench
Weighted dips
Floor dumbbell flys
Floor dumbbell extensions
Josh gives in depth detailed commentary during each and every exercise and how to perform each rep.