Competitive Strongman - Austin & Sumner Haye
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
Strongman training is brutal. Check out a glimpse into a competitive strongman workout with brothers Austin and Sumner at destination Dallas.
Strongman training is brutal. Check out a glimpse into a competitive strongman workout with brothers Austin and Sumner at destination Dallas.
Check out the brutal beating these guys undertake and call FUN!
Sumner Haye tells us about his drive for the Strongman Sport and gives us some pointers around the training:
My drive for the sport of Strongman came from watching my brother, Austin, when he competed for the first time in 2010. Watching him perform each of the five feats of strength amazed me. It was like nothing I had ever seen before in person. After that day I did the cliche little brother thing and immediately followed in his footsteps. I would go with my older brothers to train almost every weekend to learn the basics of Strongman. During the week we would train more powerlifter style focusing on increasing our Bench, Squat and Deadlift. I quickly started to see success in my performance and from then on I was hooked. Like most things: once you start seeing success, you drive forward to continue to improve and be the best. The intensity of our training is focused on upcoming competition and qualifications for bigger events. On average, my brother and I will compete 3-4 times a year. The way I regularly train at (near maximal effort) has conditioned me to go into local shows with the confidence knowing I will be on top in most events. Strongman is tough mentally and physically. Every event in each competition is meant to truly challenge you. The one who can hold out the best, whether that is moving the most weight, being the fastest or going the furthest: is who is the victor in the end. A primary reason why the Strongman community is one of the more supportive communities (even on competition day) is because we want to compete against others at their best so we are cheering on our opponents so they can achieve their personal best. Strongman truly requires you to have grit, persistence, and passion. There are days in the gym where I don’t feel like pushing myself, or I am trying to and the weights aren’t moving like I think they should that day. However, I try to keep the big picture in mind. I put my focus on what’s important and I train the hardest I can everyday to reach my goals. Every training day counts and every moment spent on the competition floor is monumental to me. The feeling of stepping on a competition floor against fellow competitors who are all hungry for the same thing you are is indescribable.
The Yoke is a staple Strongman movement. It's a complete shock to your nervous system as you put yourself under hundreds of pounds of pressure. You have to put purpose in every step by bracing your core, keeping your breathing under control, and setting a steady pace to increase as you move further down the line.
“Phat” Back Farmers is a great
way to build thickness in your back and traps. Another event where bracing your
core is crucial with the amount of pressure the body goes under. It is
excellent conditioning for farmers to increase ease with the “pick,” and
endurance to keep going without your grip failing.